Sunday, November 1, 2020

Abstract Poem 12

Art That Sells: Top Themes, Subjects, and Mediums for Best-Selling Art -  FeltMagnet - Crafts
The Grand Potentate by Paul Klee

(The following poem is made up of random feed lines into my cell phone. This is the twelfth, expect many more. Be seeing you.)

Black sphere approaches the ISIS
Forex day trading profits
Unveiling the Xendall Custom Shelby
Let's make a full flower arrangement
Secret nuclear bunker tour
They said they went on for many many miles
UK & EU enter 2nd wave of lockdowns
C Bechstein Academy model
Abstract landscape painting demo
Thousands protest “nazification” curfews in London

If you laugh you lose
Happiness is a by-product
Should you be scared?
Dumpster diving at my favorite
And who are you?
Takes over Texas
Panicked in desperation

Another upcoming snowstorm
Adding a character to the virtual set
Page in book reveals all
Smokey Mountains
Sun triggers lightening
We had this hymn in our previous hymn book
Coincidentally becomes a glitchfest