What the Hell Are They Spraying? Lionel Interviews Dane Wigington of GeoEngineering Watch
Lionel considered this his most important interview, to date. We consider this worth posting here and on our other blog, because quite frankly this is the REAL story underneath the "climate change" story, represents a REAL conspiracy that spiderwebs through society from the topmost levels of power which we have just contended in our latest posts are nothing but either amoral or immoral social machines! These institutions do not care about you or anyone else who is not of THEM. The new mainstream media, Alex Jones and Infowars, have just proclaimed THEIR intention of creating an AI god to bow down to and to end humanity, and all life on this planet, and as for THEMSELVES, to merge with machines and escape the demise of planet Earth. I wish this were all fantasy, but unfortunately, none of it is.
Think of it, if Wigington is right, and he likely is, then we have only a few years left! How about eight to ten years. Many will curse God, but it will be their own fault for going along with it despite all attempts to warn them not to, the veritable broad way that leads to destruction. THEY have already made THEIR plans clear. And people like George Carlin tried to warn us too.
We've each been given our tasks, our missions, our life work to be publicly displayed in the fight against ignorance, tyranny and genocide. This will continue to be mine. Be seeing you.
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